Sunday, July 13, 2008

I don't answer to you....

On the grand scale of things, I ranked pretty low on the totem pole at work. I do not have the authority to make procedural decisions (or really any other kind of decisions) on my own without prior approval from my immediate supervisor.

I'm more than certain the other employees are aware of this. I have deferred to my supervisor more than once when I am not sure about the correct procedure for any given situation. I've hardly been secretive about my ignorance on work related issues. So why then does my co-worker ask me to go over my supervisor's head, and then cop an attitude for not 1, but 2 days when tell him I'm not sure I can do what he asked without my supervisor's approval?

And the best part is, this particular co-worker is old enough to be my father, and should in theory, be above this kind of childish pettiness of withholding materials, which keeps me from doing my job. One can argue I'm engaging in the same type of childish antics by writing this entry, but I like to think I'm squarely in the adolescent range of petty behavior. :)

On a more positive note, I'm looking forward to trying out a few of the recipes in the new cookbooks I just received. This one is on the top of the list. Doesn't it look yummy?

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