Thursday, July 10, 2008

Applying to grad school sucks!

Earlier this week, I received an email from the graduate school I applied to, the University of Corn, telling me they have not yet received my college and graduate school transcripts or my application fee. I could understand them not having my transcipts because I have very little control over what goes on in my former university's end once I put the request in, but I paid the application fee online when I applied! It's not like I could have blown it off and still submitted my application. I called the admissions office and even after explaing my situation and appealing to common sense, the only response I was met with was, "Well our computers don't show any record of the application fee being paid". Ugh, damn computers! I'm at their mercy so I'll pay the blasted fee, again, but I'm not happy about it. Maybe I should write a little note in the memo line of the check to make my displeasure known.

Thank goodness I've already gotten into the University of Cows, or my stress level would be off the charts!

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